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Ananta is a nastika sura and the first king of the Ananta clan. He was acknowledged as the strongest sura of the eight clans. He is deceased by the time the story takes place.


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Ananta's sura form[1]

In his human form, Ananta appears as a man with slightly feminine features, dark skin, and long brown hair. He seems to be wearing grayish-brown trousers and a piece of light-brown cloth fastened to his waist that flares out like a cape. He wears a long, light-brown scarf around his shoulders. He wears two brown wrist-guards lined with fur that reaches to the elbows, and has two rings of light-brown cloth looped around each wrist; it is still unknown if the fur is actually a sura trait. Ananta usually looked like a 17-year-old boy who smiled a lot. He had a mysterious and graceful aura.

He has also appeared with short hair, which may possibly be either his female form or some sort of transitional form between sura and human.[1]

Ananta's sura form appears as a long, thin, graceful, glowing snake. This form is so enormous, it dwarfs even galaxies. Ananta in his sura form was the strongest being in the universe, rivaled only by female-form Vritra.[2]


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Ananta shortly before his death[1]

According to Sagara and Gandharva, he was a good king who cared deeply for his clan. He got along well with his clan-mates Vasuki and Manasvin. Sagara had a crush on him, but he never noticed or pretended not to notice.

Ananta was very relaxed and avoided conflicts. Despite being the strongest, he didn't display excessive force and respected the other clans. He refused to attack Taksaka because dragons cannot reproduce and so should not be carelessly killed.

Sagara described Ananta as a fool due to his overly trusting nature and lack of ambitions to use his power. He even trusted a god as a friend which resulted in his demise.[1]

Powers and Abilities[]

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Ananta shortly before his death[1]

Ananta was credited up until his death as the strongest creature, Nastika or otherwise, in the universe. He's described as perfect, having no weakness or lack in regeneration, attribute compability or hand to hand combat.

His attributes were the Sky and Earth, two opposing attributes easily found on any planet, making it rare he'll be left stranded without a source of power to draw from.

With his earth attribute, he could produce enormous masses of diamond-like matter that gave pause and stopped the attacks of Airivata and Agni, despite their combined power being able to threaten Gandarvha, a first-generation king like Ananta, just moments ago.

The raw power of his Sky attribute was astounding, being the only Nastika who's mere fiendish magic was able to attack 11 planets at once with lighting, though it was hinted the presence of an earthy core would have also aided in the process.

Even when limited by Yaksha's King of the Earth unique transcendental, Ananta could rival and even defeat his full Sura form with a mere partial transformation, only loosing due to pity at a critical moment preventing him from pushing through with a killing stroke. This despite Yaksha being a first-generation king himself, and one so powerful Asura, another king, was completely helpless against him.

In full Sura form, Ananta's sheer size is so enormous, he is a threat to the entire universe, and is capable of seriously harming it or even destroying it single handedly.

Aside from his raw powers, Ananta holds the unique power of Time. This makes him one of the very few beings in the universe, alongside Vishnu and Kali, that are able to interfere and travel through time. Ananta's power specifically lets him both rewind time, repeating past events, and also stop the flow of time completely. Rewinding causes an accumulation of sins from the events he rewinded that are now "unmade", and thus something he can only do a limited amount of times, but his power is so great, he could bear the sins of rewinding billions of years back, and at the very least did so two separate times.

Being able to stop time, on the other hand, is not known to accumulate sins and makes him virtually invincible in combat, as he can hit any enemy in front of him freely and without any opposition, which considering his already unsurpassed raw power is usually enough to defeat any opposition swiftly.


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Ananta playing "rock paper scissors" with Vasuki, with Manasvin beside them, while Sagara watches[3]

  • He lost playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with Vasuki.
  • Despite being friends, Vasuki was believed to have deserted Ananta during the war that caused the latter's death, something that Sagara never forgave him for. However, Taksaka had taken away the "fallen" Vasuki to his nest, so, it is likely that Vasuki did attempt to rescue Ananta but ended up being rescued himself by Taksaka. For unknown reasons, the situation appears to have been misunderstood by the rest of the Ananta clan.
  • His death is related to the Power of the Name.
  • Ananta likes sweets a lot, and would even eat sweets that others wouldn't dare touch because of the taste/person who made them.
  • In Hindi, Ananta means "endless/without an end."


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"Bent upon the conquest before my eyes, I overlooked the importance of the 'Power of the Name'" - God Kubera[4]

Near the beginning of the universe, Taksaka invaded Ananta clan territory and nearly killed some nastikas because he had not yet adapted to the change the Vritra clan was forced to undergo by the primeval gods. Ananta sent Vasuki to talk to the dragon, while he sat nearby eating sweets made by Kinnara.

Since Ananta was easily the strongest being in the universe, he was considered invincible and his clan enjoyed a privileged position. So when he died, his clan fell into hard times as they grew considerably weaker than their enemies. Sagara cries upon learning of his death, and Manasvin reveals Sagara used to have a keen eye for Ananta, as she wanted a position of power in the clan.[3]

Ananta's death remains a mystery. For example, while the gods blame his death on Kubera's trickery, it was stated that the Ananta clan believes his death was either suicide or poisoning. Later on, Kubera is shown to be congratulated by Agni, only to have the former say he does not deserve the congratulations and claiming that the details still are not known. Agni points out that the primeval gods do not seem too happy; the Earth god agrees and accepts that he made a mistake.[4]

Sagara resents most of her clan who have forgotten about their "devoted ruler" and are not bothered with revenge.[5]

During her stay in Kalibloom, Leez has a dream where someone unknown to her (Ananta) speaks of someone who will lose again, and that he pities this person too much to simply observe anymore.[6]


Season 1[]

Chapter 6: The Past I Yearn For/Longing for Yesterday[]

(3) When Manasvin and Sagara unexpectedly visit Gandharva, he comments that the manners of the Ananta clan after the passing of their first king, Ananta, has gotten terrible. It is revealed that Manasvin was Ananta's successor as king after he died.

(4) After having his attack blocked, Gandharva bitterly comments how Sagara glued herself first to Ananta, then Manasvin, and when she finally became king herself, has lackeys to fight for her.

Chapter 8: The Wavering King[]

(1) Through a series of flashbacks, Sagara chronicles that Ananta, the first king of the Ananta clan, was the strongest sura of them all. His strength extended to the rest of his clan, allowing the clan as a whole to occupy the apex of the sura realm. The possibility of the death of Ananta was so inconceivable that when his demise eventually came, it came as a shock to everyone.

A little after Ananta's passing, Sagara is seen weeping for him. Manasvin tells her to gather herself so she could be with Ananta's successor, Vasuki. In one of the flashback, Vasuki is seen to be a friend that Ananta can casually play rock, paper, scissors with. However, Vasuki refuses his new position by switching to his female form, allowing the kingship to go to the next strongest Ananta clanmate, Manasvin.

Chapter 10: The Night it Rained Fire[]

(14) Sagara abhors how her clanmates have forgotten their devoted 1st king and how they would rather "cling to useless rules and principles" instead of understanding her greater plan of vengeance for Ananta's death.

(18) As consequence of attacking his summoner's city, Agni hunts after the perpetrators: Sagara and her underlings. When he catches up to her, Sagara tells Agni how nice the location is to bid a last farewell to, and follow Ananta in death.

Chapter 11: The Power of the Name[]

(1) In a flashback to D500, Agni congratulates Kubera on killing the strongest being in the universe – albeit he may wished the God of Earth failure after leaving him out of the campaign to kill Ananta. Agni curiously inquires Kubera how he did it, and that he "must be some sort of genius!" Kubera cynically asks if he's being sarcastic. Agni is taken aback, responding that his congratulations are sincere. After a little pause, Kubera replies he has no right to be congratulated and is relieved that the details surrounding Ananta's death is concealed. Agni is confused since the gods are all impressed with Kubera... All except for the primeval gods. Kubera states that that is exactly the problem. In his thoughts, as a wounded Ananta is on his knees before him, Kubera reflects that so bent was he on the conquest before him, he "overlooked the importance of the 'Power of the Name'."

(4) In the Water Channel, Leez is prompted by her observations of Kubera’s sureness of her future to ask him what he will be doing as she regrets her life? The scene alters. Kubera, standing underneath a tree, is being called forth by an unknown person. The mystery figure corrects themself saying he’s no longer Kubera, and advises him that he will not be easily forgiven even if he tries to live honestly. In such a scenario, the person asks Kubera is it not better to continue being cunning and deceitful like the time when he tricked Ananta? Kubera replies he “has no wish to repay wrong with wrong.” The person accepts Kubera’s decision, but warns that his “opponent already knows how this battle will end… And only fools fight battles they are destined to lose.”

