Kubera Wiki
2-69 surrounded by fighters

Gandharva surrounded by fighters wielding god-level items (Ep.2-69)

A god-level item (신급아이템 - shingeub-aitem), sometimes translated as god-class item or godly item, is a special magical item or weapon that was created and/or formed by the god attached to it by his or her powers.


These items have been created by gods, possessing unparalleled power compared to items created by humans. God-level items themselves are part of the god's body on a cellular level.

Generally they are indestructible, unless the god itself was annihilated completely from the current universe. Even if it has been damaged, the item can restore itself to its original state.


Unlike conventional items that were created by humans, a god-level item cannot be altered with bhavati brahma repeatedly, as it needs a month-long interval in between each alteration to be effective. Some god-level items are easy to change (e.g. Agni, who allows about any changes) while others cannot be altered, especially if the god is known to have a bad personality (e.g. God Kubera, who shows his ill will to any magician trying to alter the Golden Knight).[1]

Ownership and rules for usage

Some god-level items were created by a god for their own use; Kali created the Sword of Return to kill Shiva, and simply discarded it when she failed. Nowadays, only one human at a time may wield the sword or use its transcendentals. Once the sword is drawn for the first time, ownership lasts a lifetime and only the owner may use or touch it.[2] (Yuta can use the Sword of Return because he is a special case.)[3]

Other god-level items were created by a god for a specific person, such as the Neutral Bow, which was created by Vayu for Rao Leez. The original bow could be used only by Rao, but Lorraine Rartia later altered it so that it could be used by anyone who knows how to operate it.[4] God-level items gifted to specific individuals have the original recipient's name inscribed on them.[5][6]

Yet other god-level items were created for the use of humanity in general, such as Brahma's city defense system.

The author Currygom has hinted that there are rules in place regarding a god's use of another god's item. Gandharva stated that there would be a significant penalty for Agni for firing the Neutral Bow,[7] which is later revealed to be the inability to use the Staff of Agni.[8]

List of god-level items

Currently there are several major god-level items located on planet Willarv.

  • by Kubera
    • Golden Knight - Original owner: Enan; Leez Haias has been in possession of the item for much of the story. The bracelet was shortly in the hands of Asha Rahiro. Current owner: Siera Sies
    • Spear - over the story, it has gotten into the possession of Kubera, Siera later takes the spear, gives it to Maruna, who takes it to Agni
    • Armor - over the story, it has gotten into the possession of Kubera. Sagara currently has the armor.
  • by Surya
    • Spear - currently in possession of Laila Hemawati. It deals damage based on the guilt a being feels for its sins. And Chandra is terrified of it because he got thrashed with it before.[16]
  • by Shiva
    • red dagger—inferred to be Shiva's item [17]
      • Used by Brilith Ruin when she fought against Sagara during the Atera siege.[18]
      • Used by Ran Sairofe when he attempted to stab a special type of Taraka sura.[17]
      • Used by Leez Haias when she resisted a possessed Yuta.[19]
  • by Vayu
    • Neutral Bow - original owner: Rao Leez; currently in the possession of Ran Sairofe.
  • by Visnu
    • Earrings - original owner: Taksaka; broken while in Yuta's possession
    • Kitty-eared headband (pink) - currently in possession of Rana Reimia. Effect: stops aging (only appearance, no effect on lifespan)
    • 7 other items shown only in silhouette. All of these items take the form of jewelry or apparel.[20]
  • by Chandra
    • Cloak - lent to Ran Sairofe, allowing storage of a large amount of items without reducing their weight.[21][22]

